Design Considerations for Artwork:
- Focus attention on Adams Morgan rich and diverse cultural heritage
- Create a landmark and/or emblem that becomes an neighborhood identifier
- Contribute positively to the visual character and texture of the community by creating a distinctive work(s)
- Attract pedestrians to the site
- Foster collective memory
- Give meaning to place by recalling local history
Project Timeline:
November 21, 2008 Application Deadline
December 12, 2008 Announcement of Semi-finalist
Mid-February, 2009 Presentations of Design Proposals
Mid-April, 2009 Community Review of Semi-Finalists
Early May, 2009 Panel Review Semi-Finalist proposals
Late May, 2009 DCCAH Commissioners Select Finalist
Early June, 2009 Announcement of Selected Artist
Winter/Spring 2010 Installation of Artwork
Panel Members:
Anne Ashmore-Hudson: DCCAH Commissioner
Marvin Bowser: DCCAH Commissioner
Josh Gibson: Adams Morgan Community member
Mindy Moretti: ANC1C
Al Jirikowic:
Ernesto Giron:
Aneikan Udofia: Adams Morgan Community Member/Artist
Cesar Maxit: Adams Morgan Community Member/ Artist